Importance of Public Relations in a Digital Marketing Agency

Apoorav Jain
16 Min Read

Amidst the dense jungle of digital marketing, many websites are losing their appeal. Reason? Well, competition is a common demon, but you can’t conclude it’s the prime factor. Reasons can be manifold, but to be very specific, it is the importance of PR that’s often overlooked by those who need it the most.

At Heylin Spark, we’ve seen many businesses put in extreme efforts to establish an attractive online image. Yet, they frequently struggle to build trust and credibility with their audience in the long run.

As a result, some are left stranded in the shadows with zero ROI. But others who choose public relations services (in short, PR) find it a game-changer in their digital marketing endeavours.

So, the question arises: what is PR? What is the significance of PR in a digital marketing agency? This article is your best guide on the topic.

What is Public Relations (PR) and what is its role?

During digital brand building, considering that digital PR services have become a staple move for businesses now, However, it’s not so different from traditional PR. Yet, it can help you reach a wider audience through online channels.

Digital public relations (PR) services involve managing the communication and relationships between an organization and its audience. It’s about creating a positive image and reputation for the organization by utilizing various channels such as media, social media, events, and community engagement.

Let’s say your company is willing to make a debut in the online world. Sounds Great! But remember that sometimes it takes more than just a little spark to set the market ablaze with your hot products and services.

Awareness is necessary to prevent emotional breakdowns!

Especially if you are a startup trying to launch its very first product in the market, a simple portfolio or an e-commerce store is no longer effective in attracting sales. That’s where digital PR comes to your rescue.

But, How Does Digital PR Work?

Essentially, PR services help shape how people perceive and interact with the organization. But how does it work? As mentioned, digital PR service providers leverage online channels to enhance brand reputation, visibility, and credibility in the market.

Much like Heylin Spark, where PR professionals work to build trust, credibility, and goodwill for the organization by applying numerous PR principles, However, these principles can be customized based on the individual business needs to ensure relevancy in the online campaigns from day one.

If we talk about the roles of public relations in digital marketing,  these can be defined like this:

Digital Public Relations Services and the Major Role It Performs

  1. Creating and distributing press releases to online media outlets and journalists
  2. Facilitating interviews and coordinating online reviews with relevant influencers and bloggers
  3. Leveraging influencer marketing and blogger outreach to expand brand visibility and reach
  4. Developing and publishing engaging online content across various digital platforms
  5. Networking with bloggers, journalists, and influencers to foster partnerships and collaboration opportunities
  6. Securing media coverage in online publications to increase brand exposure and credibility
  7. Strategically growing a brand’s social media following through targeted digital PR efforts
  8. Implementing affiliate marketing strategies to drive traffic and sales through online channels

In a nutshell, it is more than just a typical digital marketing endeavor. It is about making more people aware of who you are, what you do, and why you position yourself better than others.

Importance of brand awareness in today’s competitive market.

Now you might ask, ‘Why do I need brand awareness’? To be honest, brand awareness serves as the cornerstone of customer recognition.

Just imagine: a customer interested in purchasing a t-shirt is venturing through the market and sees many shops offering similar products. Meanwhile, the shop they are familiar with stands a better chance of capturing their attention.

The true strength of a brand lies in its awareness, which fosters trust and credibility. Beyond a doubt, it is this trust that is very likely to encourage that customer to make a purchase. Let’s discuss some statistics now:

  • 61% of customers are more likely to purchase from a brand they recognize.
  • Repeat customers are one of the primary indicators of strong brand awareness.
  • Brand awareness leads to word-of-mouth marketing and reduces expenditure on advertising.
  • With over 80% of marketers consenting that their brand’s exposure has massively increased through social media, the value of online public relations services is very apparent.

Overall, if you seek a fast and reliable way to make more people aware of the brand, you can trust PR. Nothing can beat the benefits of public relations services. Thanks to all the channels and PR principles deployed by professionals.

Digital PR Strategies That Foster Awareness and Trust

With consumers increasingly turning to online platforms for information and interaction, building and maintaining trust through digital PR has become essential. Additionally, you should be very excited about it because there are some interesting strategies in place that PR service providers use to make brand awareness happen. 

1. Authentic Storytelling:

In the digital sphere, credibility is crucial for establishing trust. Luckily, it’s not that difficult to have a PR presence. PR can effectively communicate your brand’s value, mission, and journey authentically and engagingly.

To make it happen, professionals embed some tales of achievement, hardships, and experiences in their digital campaigns or content that your audience could relate to and discover a sense of belongingness. By establishing emotional ties with your audience and humanizing your brand, the strategy promotes trust and loyalty.

2. Transparent Communication:

If you want to foster trust, then adopt openness and help your customer realize that nothing is hidden. It is also one of the PR strategies, but the only difference is that only those things are practically visible to the audience, which is what you want them to see.

For example, through digital PR services, you can show them that you are responding to people’s worries or problems in a timely and open manner. Give behind-the-scenes glimpses into your company’s culture, product creation, and business operations. By being transparent, you gain the audience’s trust.

3. Online Partnerships:

Working together with people who can contribute to your marketing niche and align with your business values can help you spread the word about your message. In short, in less time, you can reach more people this way.

But we need to make sure that we are selecting the right people, media houses, or influencers whose audience fits your target demographic. However, their established credibility and trust with their followers will be a plus, as their audience will readily trust your business.

4. Social Proof:

In the digital universe, social media has its own unique world. After all, with nearly 4.95 million users staying active on their favorite social media apps, there’s a huge ground of opportunity for those looking to strengthen their public relations.

Simply display endorsements, case studies, user-generated content, and favorable reviews on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. to prove the value and quality of your goods and services. Motivate satisfied customers to post about their experiences on reviews and social media sites. Prospective buyers feel reassured, and their decision to trust your brand is validated by social proof.

5. Community Engagement:

Whether you are into a B2B business or run a B2C venture, creating a vibrant online community around your company is another staple strategy of public relations services. It helps you sound more dependable and devoted.

Part of it is helping your company have an active, pertinent conversation with your community members, reply to messages and comments, and interact with your fans on social media. Remember, a lively and involved community can act as brand ambassadors, generating goodwill and establishing credibility throughout their networks as well.

How do you measure the success of a digital PR campaign?

When you run a digital PR campaign, it’s important to know if it’s working well or not. Luckily, digital PR lets you keep track of how well your campaign is doing. But how do you know if it’s doing well? Here are some things you can look at:

  1. Clicks: What’s the CTR of your campaign? PR service providers monitor the click-through rate on a daily or weekly basis of any campaign promoted to derive conversions in business.

However, these clicks can come from your articles or posts or a particular advertisement on social media. High CTR means people are finding your business and its offerings quite interesting.

  1. Net Promoter Score (NPS): So, you are selling a good-quality product, and since the business is new, you are not sure of the futuristic sales. Here, the PR service provider will somehow ask customers how likely they are to recommend your product to others and monitor the obtained review through the Net Promoter Score (NPS), a metric that conveys business and product success. With low NPS indicators, a business’s reputation is at risk.
  2. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): This metric involves the calculation of how much cost is going into the process of bringing a single customer into business. Usually, brands that have a strong reputation see more repetitive customers.

However, if a business has fewer repeat customers, it will spend more on acquiring new ones, which increases CAC exponentially.

  1. ROI (Return on Investment): This means figuring out if your campaign was worth the money and effort you put into it. For instance, if you spent $500 on a digital PR campaign and it resulted in $2000 in sales, you’ve got a good return on investment. Beyond a doubt, you should continue with the PR services.
  2. Social shares: Usually, customers share your content and products or services straight with their family or friends if they are attracted by them or have found them useful. Such content receives the highest social shares.

If that’s the case in your PR marketing campaign, professionals would prioritize repurposing or creating more unique content around that topic to capture more leads in the market.


Integrating PR services into your digital marketing is essential for elevating your brand’s online presence and driving meaningful results. At Heylin Spark, we possess a range of PR services customized to your unique requirements. By implementing authentic storytelling, transparent communication, influencer partnerships, social proof, and community engagement, you can build trust in your brand or business and cultivate long-lasting relationships with your audience.


Q. How do PR services work in digital marketing?

A. PR professionals follow a step-by-step process to align a PR campaign with the particular digital marketing requirements of a company. The process involves:

  1. Setting Goals: We urge clients to clearly define their goals, and if required, we assist them in deciding
  2. Target Audience Identification: Who are our prospective customers? We ought to be very clear on this subject.
  3. Research: After a thorough analysis of the requirements, we figure out the best strategies and alternatives that fit your unique needs.
  4. Deployment: The last step involves content creation, media outreach, and media monitoring to empower you in digital marketing.

Q. What are the benefits of hiring a PR agency for digital marketing?

A. One of the primary advantages of hiring a PR agency for digital marketing is “trust.” Given that more customers are adopting technology and becoming smarter, winning people’s trust has become harder. However, the benefits of hiring a PR agency for digital marketing extend beyond just trust. Such as:

  • PR is cost-effective in the long term
  • Provides an unbiased perspective
  • You’ll always have expert guidance.
  • Improved ROI

Q. Can PR help my agency improve SEO and website traffic?

A. PR services involve link-building strategies, which means connecting your business website with more high-authority websites. In return, this improves your domain rank on SERP, and a rise in your website’s traffic is expected.

Q. How can PR services help us generate leads and attract new clients?

A. By increasing your website’s visibility and authority on both Google and other online platforms, PR services strengthen your web presence, allowing you to generate more leads. Since people prioritize buying from brands with a high market reputation, new clients are very likely to be in business. 

Q. What is the Return on Investment (ROI) for PR services in digital marketing?

A. Usually, a return of 5:1 is deemed a good return on investment. It means you made $5 on each penny spent. The ROI is possible to achieve with general digital marketing, but when PR is combined, the returns can be seen to form a ratio of 10:1 and above. However, various factors will still decide the ultimate ROI of your business. Season, current trends, and product quality altogether empower ROI from PR services.

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